Softlinings In Delta, BC
If you experience persistent denture discomfort, particularly in the lower gum, a soft lining can provide improved denture comfort and stability. A soft lining consists of a layer of silicone rubber material bonded to the base of the denture which contacts the gum. It can act as a "shock-absorbing cushion" which gives denture wearer comfort and stability.
Soft linings are used primarily in complete lower dentures, although they can be applied to temporary acrylic partial dentures as well. A complete lower denture needs to be of certain minimum thickness to be able to be fitted with a soft lining. Soft linings last 3-4 years, after which they can be replaced in a combined procedure of of a reline + soft lining.
Soft lining can stain more easily than denture acrylic, so a through daily brushing with a denture cream or soap is recommended.